Women's March Los Angeles 2018

On January 20,2018, millions of people all over the country gathered at march's to encourage women to vote in November's midterm elections. These photographs are from Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people marched from Pershing's Square to City Hall.

About Women's March:
The Women's March on Washington convened a broad and diverse group of leaders to produce an intersectional platform known as the Unity Principles. Representing a new understanding of the connected nature of our struggles and a vision of our collective liberation, the Unity Principles continue to be a guiding light for our movement.

Unity Principles:
Ending Violence
Repredoctive Rights
Worker's Rights
Civil Rights
Disability Rights
Immigrant Rights
Environmental Justice
About day:
I do not work for the Women's March but was able to wake up early before work and attend for a while to capture the historic event! A lot of hope and witty posters!