City of Angels is a Collage Documentary made up of pieces of interviews, sound recordings and original music. The collaborators are artists, musicians, performers,to veterans that came to Los Angeles pursuing their art and dreams. They come from different cultures and backgrounds.
Most of them were living in the same artist house in South Central Los Angeles. At this time, the United States 2016 presidential election was coming to its end. This is what came out...
Original Music By:
Artist:The Mad Walls (Opening Credits)
Song: Waiting for Tomorrow
Label: Birth Records
Kaleo Kohlson, Levitation Room, Christopher Mercado & Noah Martinez
Lunafel, Dani Corona, Aaron Wing, Cristian Paul
Audio by Eric Pearse Chavez
Video by Daniela Corona
Julian Porte Story (Short Clip)
This short video is an excerpt from the inspiring story of Julian Porte from the band "Levitation Room." The audio is part of the "Everydaze Series" telling the stories of East Los Angeles musicians reviving a Pyschedelic rock music scene.
Click below for the complete "Everydaze Series."
This clip was taken from a movie titled " A Casual Conversation" on music and activism through the arts. (Audio was made first, then visuals added as a puzzle. Sorry for the bad quality, our computer crashed halfway through editing this so we only have this clip).
Used clips: "Crystal Ball" by Alfredo Lopez, Film Editing by dc.
Beginnning song at minute 1:RXDIO & Mousai Nine of Kalliope Records.
Music video for San Francisco indie-electronica band AL. Edited by dc.
Video made on arts show organized by a local Amnesty International office. Edited by dc.
Music video for Lunafel's song "Valerian IV (Dictator Chaplin Version)".