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Amnesty International

Below you will find photos and videos taken as an Amnesty International employee.

(July 2016-August 2017).

Amnesty International (AI) is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. AI campaigns for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.

This is raw footage from one of the days our Amnesty International office went to deliver clothes to residents of Skid Row.

What does AI do?

  • AI investigates and exposes the facts, whenever and wherever abuses happen. 


  • AI lobbies governments, and other powerful groups such as companies. Making sure they keep their promises and respect international law. 


  • By telling the powerful stories of the people we work with, AI mobilizes millions of supporters around the world to campaign for change and to stand in defence of activists on the frontline. 


  • AI supports people to claim their rights through education and training. 

Maneesha, a wonderful soul, caught me taking her picture as she spoke with a stylish five year old boy.

Eric, another inspiring Amnesty employee, in front of the biggest piece of the Berlin Wall outside of Germany.

On the right, you'll find Nelson Mandela. Amnesty led a campaign for his release and Mandela later became an ambassador for Amnesty International.

A mural in downtown Los Angeles which stands across from a main site for Amnesty employees. She displays the Amnesty colors!

Charles Tuck, an optimistic human being, on his lunch break.

A lovely man named Paul who signed up to become a member of Amnesty right away because he "still believes in humanity."

A new humorous & excited member of Amnesty who signed up in Glendale.

A new member of Amnesty who immediately signed up after hearing we help prisoners of conscience and refugees around the world.

Eric, an inspiring Amnesty employee, in front of the biggest piece of the Berlin Wall outside of Germany.

Mario, the LA office director, talking to employees in downtown.

Artivism Sings Event
About Artivism Sings:
The pictures below were taken by Ben Camacho at our "Artivism Sings" Event. Here, we shared music, art, photography, and a short film bringing together the community while sparking conversation on different social justice themes. 
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